SE- special edition - eg: mid trim level on a gmc or Pontiac
GT- grand tourismo/grand touring - a sports improvement often involving suspension, wheels, brakes, body trim, and possibly engine
SES- special edidion sport
RS- rally sport
SVT- special vehicles team- ultra high performance model in the Ford line up
Special Vehicle Team (for Ford Motor Company)
mustang svt cobra for sale
SVT Special Vehicle Team. Nothing Special These Are The People That Do The Promo Of Vehicles. 6/1/2009. It does stand for "Specialty Vehicle Team" however, it was a separate in-house division that designs and BUILDS the engines for SVT badged cars like the Mustang Cobra, Lightning pickup and othe4rs. It is/was QUITE special in that the Specialty Vehicle Team members who build the Cobra engines sign and affix a plaque on the engines built. SVT is a Specialty Vehicle Team, that turns Mustangs into Cobras. LaurenLily
Special Vehicle Team
ford f150 svt raptor
I am looking to replace my timing belt on my 2002 Ford svt focus. I need a diagram or step by step process.
I was looking at the 1998 and 2000 Contour SVT supplements and in both it shows the 2.5 liter V6 engine
SVT Extra was created in 2002.
Ford Special Vehicle Team ( SVT )
Special Vehicle Team ================================================ But a Ford Mustang GT is not one of Fords " special " models
SVT is Fords ( Special Vehicle Team )
SVT = supraventricular tachycardia (an abnormally rapid heartbeat).