for exaample the patter of footsteps, the patter of rain
The lyrics to the Pitter Patter Rain jingle are: "Pitter Patter raindrops Falling from the sky Here is my umbrella To keep me safe and dry"
Pitter Patter was created in 1978.
Betty Van Patter died in 1974.
Betty Van Patter was born in 1932.
pitter patter can you hear the rain?pitter patter on the window pane
Faux patter design is a paint design. Faux patter design is quite popular these days and a decorator will be able to this is for you easily at minimal cost.
The word to express the sound of rain is Pitter - patter.
Raindrops can produce a variety of sounds depending on the intensity and surface they fall on. They can sound like a gentle pitter-patter on leaves or a tranquil tapping on a roof.
Pitter Patter - 1922 was released on: USA: 26 November 1922
Pimple's Pitter-Patter - 1917 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U