six pack is only visible if your fat % is 'low'. you will have to loose fat all over your body, because you cant 'burn' fat in only one region (waist). youll have to carefully look at your carb/calorie consumption and number of meals pr day. read different articles about fitness & health, and make yourself a proper meal - training routine. no pills or tricks needed for a fit body.
sit ups without legs fixed is said to be more safe for your back than fixed ones. renegade dumbell rows, full front squats, hanging leg raises, bicycle crunches and hip raises (on a bench) is also said to be some of the better 'power' excercises to work the abs. also, super strict form is way better than many unsymetrical/sloppy/momentum reps.
A long time. Generally you should be doing situps "until failure."
Not long- but how little body fat do you have? Just a quarter of an inch of fat can cover your abdominals. While abdominal exercises are important, eliminating body fat is much more important. Who cares, just do it and you'll find out
The true, final appearance of the breasts will not be visible for at least one year
take a jog every afternoon and then later in the evening after all the sitting around, do sum situps x
For a 160 pound person performing situps at a moderate rate, it will take a little less than 2 hours of continuous situps to burn 500 calories. It will take less time for people who weigh more and will take longer for those who weigh less. Situps are not a great exercise for burning calories, but they can strengthen your abdominal muscles well. Compare it to running at 8 miles per minute, where the same 160 pound person can burn almost 500 calories in only 30 minutes.
Well just about as long as you have had them plus 3 months. See if the piercings are over a year old they wont close the will shrink but the piercings will take months to shrink down to a point where they are no longer visible.
if you want to get arm muscles, you should try doing weights, you are doing alot of situps and things but its not always how much you do, its how long for, so if you lowered it to 50, depending on your body type it could take from 4-9 weeks,
It will take light about 0.000834 seconds or 834 millionths of a second to travel 250 kilometers in vacuum, somewhat longer in any material substance.
With most breeds the spurs start to show at about 8 months old. This will vary among different breeds based on growth and sexual maturity. Slow maturing breeds can take as long as a full year before prominent spurs are visible.
Comet Hale-Bopp is still visible in very large telescopes; estimates indicate that it will be visible until 2030, and may be visible longer than that in the improved telescopes of ten years from now.Comet Hale-Bopp is not expected to return to the inner solar system until the year 4390.
The amount of time that it takes for visible stitches to fall off depends on the type of surgery of by individual. However, it can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks.
Being in great swimming, running, and gerneral calesthenics shape. Such as pushups, pullups, flutter kicks, situps. And an attitude that will never let you quit. to learn more