

Best Answer

1) Heredity 2) Physical activity
3) Age
4) Environment

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Q: What are the four factors that influence physical fitness?
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What are the 4 s factors in fitness?

The four S factors in fitness are strength, stamina, suppleness, and speed. These factors encompass different aspects of physical abilities needed for overall fitness and athletic performance. Incorporating exercises that target each of these factors can help improve one's overall fitness level.

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There are four main factors that influence food choices. These factors include income, availability, cooking methods and facilities as well as cultural background.

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The best fitness program is Max Workouts, you have changes in about four weeks!

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The four areas of MAPEH are Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. These subjects aim to develop students' creativity, physical fitness, and overall well-being.

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Four factors that influence contractile force include muscle fiber recruitment, muscle fiber size, frequency of stimulation, and muscle length. Two factors that influence velocity and duration of contraction are the amount of load/resistance on the muscle and the presence of fatigue.

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Market commonality, resource similarities, reputation, and incentives are four factors that influence an industry's competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics. They can have a positive or negative effect.

What are the objectives of physical fitness test?

First is for feeling of general well being. You can not have healthy mind in sick body. Physical fitness boost up your self confidence level. Second is to keep your cardiovascular and pulmonary system in tune. This will protect you from heart attack. Third is that you can perform in better way as a member of the society with physical fitness.

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What are four factors that can affect the vital capacity of a person?

Four factors that can affect the vital capacity of a person are age (vital capacity decreases with age), gender (males tend to have higher vital capacity than females), height (taller individuals usually have higher vital capacity), and physical fitness level (regular exercise can increase vital capacity).