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The most effective chest workout routine is also the oldest. Simple variations of pushups, such as incline or triangle pushups, gives your chest a effective, inexpensive workout.

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Q: What chest workout routine actually works?
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How can I pump up my arms without curls?

Push-ups have proven to be a great arm workout. It works out several muscles in your arms and your chest. I recommend doing a good push-up routine and also a good bench press routine.

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Since I don't know You, it's a good idea to talk to someone who could get to know you, a personal trainer. They can set you up with a routine that works with your goals and schedule.

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Dite to reduce man' excess chest fat?

Answer by MobileKing : If you're wondering how to lose chest fat, this list of chest exercises in order of effectiveness can come in handy: 1. Push Ups - The classic push-up exercise is a great way to reduce chest fat. It may not bulk you up like a gym workout, but it gets the chest flatter and firmer. Make sure to alternate between straight push-ups, push-ups with elevated feet, and elevated hands push-ups to get a full chest workout. 2. Dumbell chest press - The chest press is an excellent routine, though men with excessive chest fat need to make sure that they don't bulk up because your initial goal is to reduce fat and not to build muscle which will sit on top of that fat. Do sets with many repetitions (15-20) and make sure to work with a straight, decline and incline angles. 3. Barbell chest press - The barbell chest press is similar to the dumbell chest press but I find it to be slightly less effective than with the dumbells. However, it is also an excellent exercise for losing chest fat. 4. The chest flies - The chest flies routine works the chest muscles differently than the chest press and push-up as it involves a cross over motion. Even though by itself it's not as effective at burning chest fat as the others, I still recommend doing it as it completes the chest workout. All of these chest exercises are great, and you should incorporate all of them into your routine. The push up is the most effective while the flies is the least.

What muscles does bench pressing work and how can I effectively target them during my workout routine?

Bench pressing primarily works the chest muscles (pectoralis major and minor), as well as the triceps and shoulders. To effectively target these muscles during your workout routine, focus on proper form, gradually increase weight, and incorporate variations such as incline or decline bench presses. Additionally, incorporating accessory exercises like push-ups, dumbbell flyes, and tricep dips can help strengthen and target these muscles further.

Which muscle groups are engaged when riding a horse?

Horse riding is great exercise. Depending on your skill level it can give some much more of a workout then others. It works your arms, legs and chest. It also works your buttox.

What exercise works the chest in weight training?

In my opinion, the best way to finish off a chest workout is multiple sets of dips to failure. When you cannot do another dip you know you are done. Oh, and don't forget to finish EVERY workout with some AB exercises.

How do you trigger the afterburn effect?

let's say you want after burn effect for you chest muscle and to trigger the after burn effect ,first you have to get your body ready for that effect and to do that all you do is workout normally for about 2 weeks, then once you do that , your body is ready to trigger the after burn affect and the workout that i think works the best is the bench press :D

Does hip hop abs really work?

its amazing i only use it maby 2 times a week and it already works and its fun but remember anything will work if u are dedicated to it =)

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The marine workout obviously. A workout marines do is effective for toning because that is why they do it. For toning, and stuff. Inquire a marine directly.

What do bench press do?

It works out your triceps and mid chest the wider your grip the more your working out your chest and the narrower the more it works out triceps.