If it is GM it is Centering malfunction, steering wheel position center did not detect a centered wheel. Bad steering wheel position sensor, poor wiring connection, or bad EBCM (ABS control module)....check the connections first.
There are several ABS trouble codes for a Chevrolet automobile. The most common ABS trouble code is; error code 628.
You have to repair the malfunction that caused the code stored in the abs computer.You have to repair the malfunction that caused the code stored in the abs computer.
The "main relay" is inside the abs computer. If you have the Main Relay code, the abs computer has failed.
Because the abs computer has detected a malfunction and set a code. Have the abs checked for codes and you will know what to diagnose.
The abs computer has detected a malfunction and set a code.
It's a warning that something has gone wrong with the ABS system. You'll need to have an ABS code scanner connected to read the brake codes. Unfortunately, ABS code scanners aren't yet available to the public the way engine code scanners are.
It is on because the abs computer has detected a malfunction and set a code.
The ABS computer has detected a malfuction and set a code.
Failed ABS pump assembly.Failed ABS pump assembly.
You need to find out what is tripping the ABS light (a mechanic with an ABS code reader) and then repair it.
The abs and brake light come on when the computer detects a problwm and sets a code. After reading the code, and repairing the cause of the code, you clear the code with a scan tool.
abs relay