Sneaker refers to a tennis shoe, comfortable, ties up... A shoe can be any shoe you put on your feet, heels, boots, sneakers... Tennis shoes have more support and sneakers are made for the looks.
A pair of trainers is the same as a pair of running shoes or sneakers. "Trainer" is the British expression for running shoe or sneaker.
I think the best place to do that would be on Ebay. Type in "one sneaker" or "single sneaker" on Ebay and many searches and listings will come out.
Court shoes are the best type of shoes to wear while playing racquetball. If those are not available any other type of sneaker will work but not as well.
The Nike free 3.0 v2 running sneaker were rated a 4.5/5, so these sneaker are better than the others. A pair of these sneakers costs about $50-$80 depending on the retailer from which they are purchased.
The Sneaker has: Performed in "The Sneaker" in 1997. Performed in "The Sneaker 2" in 1997. Performed in "Teen Town 5" in 1998. Performed in "Teen Town 6" in 1998. Performed in "The Sneaker 3" in 1999. Performed in "The Sneaker 4" in 2000. Performed in "The Sneaker 5" in 2001. Performed in "The Sneaker 6" in 2002. Performed in "The Sneaker 7" in 2003. Performed in "The Sneaker 8" in 2004.
The cast of The Sneaker - 1997 includes: The Sneaker
probably nike supports
He thinks Converse is Bad Boy sneaker type
he lost his sneaker
The Esperanto word for "shoe" is "ŝuo" and the word for "sneaker" is "sportŝuo".
Mizuno running sneakers come in a wide variety of styles and colors. The color that is available to purchase depends on the style of running sneaker that you choose and also whether it is for women or men.