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1 month, if your baby is healthy.. If not a healthy baby than possibly up to 6 months. Watch your child's diet

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Q: When should infant sit up unassisted?
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Should an infant ever sleep with a pillow?

No because the cant sit up

Is it safe to give babies corn?

When a baby can sit up unassisted it is safe to start them on mashed vegetables, including corn - with their doctor's OK.

What is the difference between infant and child?

An infant is that period between birth and when the infant is able to sit/stand up with help. A child is a broader term that includes the infant period till it is able to perform activities without help.

What age does an infant have to be to sit in a travel size stroller?

About 6 months. Your baby should be able to sit and even better pull herself up to a sitting position. You can try it every couple of weeks to see if she likes it or not. Mine at some point was very happy with it (he was about 6 months at the time).

Who was the youngest baby to sit up by himself?

Around the age of 4 months. Once the infant has head control, everything else falls into place.

What should you do if your infant sucks on a crystal meth pipe?

fill it up and hold the lighter for him

What should you do when you're carsick?

you should try to sleep, open the window or sit up in the front seat. they best place is to sit up in the front seat. bring a bag in case.

How do you get your wolf to sit on minecraft?

After you have tamed it, right click. It should sit down until you tell it to stand up.

What name is named after an infant name?

To fine out go to and make an account then it should pop up on your screen

What punctuation should you use after the word including?

the answer is 0.

What is the plural of sit-up?

If you mean a sit-up as in the exercise, the plural is sit-ups.

Is it a law that your child has to be twelve years old to sit up front in a car?

There is no law that stipulates that all children who are 12 years or less should sit at the back in a car. It is only safer that young children should be at the back and belted up.