For exactly the same reasons that you usually wear shoes ...
It is important to wear closed shoes so it will prevent any accidents that may occur and injure or damage your foot.
It is important to wear closed shoes so it will prevent any accidents that may occur and injure or damage your foot.
You need shoes to wear and walk
It is important to wear the right size shoes, because other wise if you don't your bones in your feet will deform.
To Keep your feet warm, clean and safe
Masks were extremely important, also togas and robes. Incomedy'sthey would wear flat soled shoes nicknamed socks and intragedy'sthey would wear heeled shoes.
You don't have to wear shoes. They protect your feet, but you don't have to wear them.
they did not wear shoes
Tennis shoes only. we can't wear other shoes.
Wear WATEVA shoes you want! :)
They didnt wear shoes because they were bosses