There is no physical "feeling" to losing your virginity, but there are a few things that might be attributed to it.
1) The mental idea of virginity goes away when you lose your virginity, which could either be a good thing or a bad thing, based on the situation you are in.
2) If you are female, losing your virginity MIGHT mean the breaking of your hymen which causes a fair amount of pain depending on how much pressure is being put against it when it breaks. The pain could be lessened by having a partner who cares about you and goes slowly until that "threshold" is passed.
3) If you are male, there is the sense of completion you might get for having sex for the first time, depending on the situation, but other than that, there is no actual feeling.
If you're male, it might come as a relief, be warm, wet, and you might not ejaculate from anxiety. For women, of your hymen isn't broken yet, you may experience pain, be startled by the blood, and if not warmed up properly, experience more pain from too tight of a vulva resulting in a ripped vulva.
When you first have sex it can be a little painfull because your body didn't adjust and if your a female a very thin tissye rips inside your vagina. That doesn't really hurt but you may feel it. You don't have to have sex to lose your virginity. It can be lost while insterting a tampon or even doing strong exercise may rip the tissue. Once the tissue rips, You are no longer a virgin.
Virginity is a social construct that can mean different things to different people. For some, it may be defined by heterosexual vaginal sex, while for others, it may be any sexual experience. It is up to the individual to determine when they feel they have lost their virginity.
The only way to lose your virginity is if you have penetrative inter-coarse with another person.
no he did not
Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.
No only sexual intercourse can do that. If she has a hymen it can break but that is not her virginity.
Yes!! to me
Have body with a man
Lose your virginity.
Yes, and you lose your virginity.
When he was 16.