In word study this kind of phrase is called a minced oath.
To mince your words means 'to choose words so as not to offend anyone.'
This particular expression began as a substitute for an outcry of surprise or anger, namely, "for the love of God!" But the speaker decided that using God's name in this way was blasphemous and therefore decided to substitute something else for the word God.
In this case, St. Michael.
The phrase began as "for the love of Michael."
It was a soldier's mild curse. St. Michael is the patron saint of warriors and soldiers and he looks after them on the battlefield. St. Michael the Archangel is the chief of the heavenly host, the celestial army that defends the Church. He fights the rebel angels and the dragon of Revelations. He is patron saint of knights and of all trades allied to the production of weapons and scales.
For the love of Pete is the origin of For the love of Mike. Please don't ask who Pete is!
The origin of the expression "for the love of Pete" is uncertain, but it is believed to be a euphemism for "for the love of God." It is often used to express frustration, disbelief, or exasperation in a milder or more lighthearted manner.
The duration of For the Love of Mike is 1.25 hours.
The origin of the expression is obscure. It means "ruined everything".
Verry Important People
no one knows exactly
The 1970s is the origin of "in your face", most likely first coming from sports.
Mike Love was born on March 15, 1941.
Mike Love was born on March 15, 1941.
For the Love of Mike was created on 1927-07-31.
it's Anchors Aweigh......
It is a French culinary expression.