She is still Mrs. Smith . If she chooses to be called by her first name [ Mrs. Jane Smith ] instead of her late husband's [ Mrs. John Smith ] , or revert to her maiden name for some reason, it's up to her to make it be known.
Some widows prefer to still use their husband's name (sometimes they can't let go of the loss of their husband and it is also a safety factor) Example: Mrs. John Doe. One can also use 'Ms' which can stand for Miss or Misses. Some widows may go by Ms. Jane Doe or, Mrs. Jane Doe. The most popular way to address is: Ms. J. Doe (Just use the initial of the widows Christian name.)
You can continue to call her by the same name, i.e., Mrs Smith, unless she specifies a preference or remarries. Please do not introduce her as the Widow Smith, or call her that within her hearing. Long, long ago, that was the custom, as Widows were accorded special priviledges and considerations, but that is no longer the case.
When addressing an envelope to a recent widow, it is customary to write the person's name starting with the title "Mrs.". Just because a woman is a widow does not mean that a woman is not still married.
When addressing a standard envelope, the correct location for the return address is the upper left corner of the envelope.
When addressing a side flapped envelope the side flap should be to to the right - regardless as to whether the person is addressing the envelope is left or right handed. So the postage stamp is on the same side as the opening flap.
You can address the envelope to a widow as: Mrs. Jane Doe (Doe would be her husbands surname) or, you could write Mrs. J. Doe on the envelope. Even though she is a widow she still has the surname of her husband until she either decides to change it to her maiden name or remarries.
You only write on the envelope who you are addressing to. If you want to write to the wife, write down the wife's name only.
Addressing an envelope to a male child use to be 'Master', but now it can be Mr.and the female Miss.
It is not necessary to use all capital letters when addressing an envelope. However, using capital letters for readability and to ensure accurate delivery is recommended.
Using a courtesy reply envelope will make sure your mail gets where it is going. It will also save you on time addressing envelopes and on buying envelopes.
A self-addressed envelope is an envelope with your address on the front of it in the MAIL TO area. If the ad/directions include SASE...this means self-addressed stamped envelope. In this case, you would include postage so the company/organization/person can mail your request to you.
Address the man in the same manner as if his wife were not a dentist.
There is no formal title to use when addressing a lawyer verbally. The only formal title that is commonly used when addressing a lawyer in written form, such as on an envelope, is to include the abbreviated form of the word 'Esquire' after their name, so that it appears as Esq.