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Q: British citizen in relationship with Canadian?
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Is a british citizen a Canadian citizen?


Is a Canadian citizen a British citizen?

No. Canada and the UK are 2 different countries.

Can a British citizen and a Canadian citizen live in the US together?

Yes they can live together

Can a British Canadian resident vote in Canada?

yes because he is British CANADIAN i think ============================== A person must be a Canadian citizen in order to vote in a Canadian federal election.

Can i qualify to be a conjugal partner relationship tyo a Canadian citizen?

sure why not have fun

Can a British citizen and a Canadian citizen marry and live in either country?

No, they cannot. The Canadian spouse must sponsor the immigration. After living 3 years out of the past four years in Canada, then they can apply for Canadian citizenship.

Can you obtain a passport from a city which is not your native?

Passports aren't issued by cities, they are issued by countries. In order to have a passport, you need to be a citizen of the country you are applying to. So if you are a British citizen, you get a UK passport, if you are a Canadian citizen, you get a Canadian passport. It doesn't matter where you were born, it's what country you are a citizen. If you don't have citizenship then you cannot have a passport. Ex: A Canadian citizen, who is NOT an American citizen cannot have a US passport.

What nationality did people in Canada hold before the first Canadian citizenship act came into force french british American or candian?

When I was born, I was a Canadian citizen and a British subject. The British government took away my right to be a British subject.

Are citizens of the England automatically citizens of Canada and Wales and does it make it easier to become one?

There is no such thing as a citizen of England in international law. People of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all British citizens in international law. Canada is an independent country and anyone who wanted to become a Canadian citizen would have to apply to the Canadian authorities in the same way that a Canadian would have to apply to the British authorities if they wanted to become a British citizen.

Cana a Canadian born wife married to a British born person get a British passport?

She can obtain a British passport by becoming a British citizen, or she can just hold on to her Candian passport.

What can happen if a US citizen married a Canadian citizen and never became a Canadian citizen?

he will stay American citizen....he has to apply to become a Canadian citizen or his wife has to apply for him and will have to tell the court that she has married him

Should you join the Canadian army or the british army?

Inorder to join either army you must be a valid citizen