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Q: Can an American citizen get into Canada if they have a previous DUI?
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Can an American citizen get into Germany with a previous DUI?

It is possible that an American with a DUI would not be able to get into Germany. Germany is known to be one of the more strict in the European Union concerning character issues.

Can an American citizens get into the United Kingdom if they have a previous DUI?

A DUI is unlikely to prevent an American from getting a UK visa.

What countries would not allow a US citizen entry because of a DUI offense?

Canada does not allow a US Citizen to enter with a DUI unless they have a Transit Visa. Countries that do NOT disallow entry due to a DUI: Mexico Columbia ? Panama ? Costa Rica ?

Can you get a pasport with a DUI in Canada?

Yes. Every Canadian citizen is entitled to obtain a passport. Criminal convictions have no bearing on this whatsoever.

After 15 years of driving without a DUI can your previous DUI be held against you?

If your in Texas yes.

Canada car insurance DUI not reported what happened?

if you get stop in Canada for DUI and don't report to insurance, are you obligated to report to them.

Can a person with a DUI record enter Canada?

You cannont, as long as it is on your record. If you try to cross before the 10 years are up (time DUI is on your record), Canada notes that you tried to come into Canada and turns you around, and informs you that if you try to come back in before the time is up you will be arrested. How long does Canada keep you out? The duration of the time the DUI is on your record PLUS the probation time. 13 years. You can apply for as a temporary resident or citizen, and get in.

If you get a DUI in Arkansas but have a California drivers license with 3 previous DUI's what will happen?

I would try

What countries besides Canada prohibit someone with a felony DUI from entering?

Some countries besides Canada that may prohibit someone with a felony DUI from entering include Japan, United Arab Emirates, and Mexico. It is important to check the specific entry requirements of the country you plan to visit as they can vary.

Can you be extradited for a DUI?

If the DUI is a misdemeanor DUI probably not. If the offense is a felony DUI you can be extradited from all 50 states including canada which has a agreement with the United States to extradite you back.

Can you drive cross into Canada with a commercial vehicle if you have had a DUI?


If you had a DUI in the us would you still be aluod to drive into Canada?

If your license has been suspended or revoked as a result of the DUI - you would be driving illegally in both the US and in Canada.