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Q: Can germs transform you into someone else?
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Why shouldn't you use someone else's trumpet?

saliva exchange, which can cause you to receive the other person's germs, and them to receive your germs.

Can you get allergenic by touch something someone else touch?

No the germs die once they hit the air

Is it unsanitary if someone plays someone else's flute?

yes, because the first person that played it already has left his or her germs on it and the next person who plays it will get the other person's germs. unless you wash it well before playing, it is unsanitary and unclean.

What makes coughs?

Coughs can be catched by someone else if that same person in the room as you has a cough and they don't use a tissue then the micrpbes of the germs will pass on to you.

Why will Helen put her fingers in other people mouth?

Putting fingers in someone else's mouth can be a violation of personal boundaries and can transmit germs or bacteria. It is important to ask for consent before touching someone else's face or mouth for any reason.

Is there a name for someone who will not share drinks or food with anyone else because of germs?

I'm not 100% sure but I'm half sure theres not a name

What is the verb of transformative?

The verb of transformative is transform. As in "to transform something or someone".

How do germs get on you?

you can get germs from anywhere like touching somthing or when you flush the toilet germs spray out and when you cough or sneeze

When someone coughs or sneezes what are there spreading?


What do you call someone who studies germs?


Can the moon transform someone into a wolf?

No, it is a myth.

What can harmful germs do?

Germs are of course harmful all of them are harmful! Harmful germs make people sick and cause rare diseases like blood diseases and like swine flu. Remember that germs right now are in your hands and wash them with soap and water before eating, after eating, and after going to the bathroom, since germs are also living things they can be harmful.Also germs spread when after playing in dirt you dont wash hands and touch the door of the house or school some germs spread from your hands to their hands and then they spread when someone else touches the door: go to Google, type germs and see images of those things in hands! Dont get away!