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possibly but it really depends on the parent and how much attention he/she pays to the child

They can do very well, I have been a single parent for thirteen years and both my daughters are at college and university.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Yes they can, at times it might seem stressful but for those who are comitted your kid will growup at times to become indepent and help you in any way they can. Being a dad or a mom doesn't make a diffrence, though at times moms can't replace a real dad just like moms by dads. But with a little. Disaplne and time your child will learn that its not bad to help from time to time, but here's a hint NEVER spoil them doing that will just give them le-way to do thing behind your back and do stupid things.

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Q: Can single parents raise children as good as real parents?
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