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Sexually? NEVER!

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Q: Do guys like to be touched in front of their friends?
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If a guys stirs at you a lot but doesn't say anything to you and if you try to give him your number in front of his friends and he doesn't take it does that he doesn't like you or he does?

it could mean two things. either he doesn't like you,or he's trying to put on a front in front of his friends

Do guys like when their friends like his girlfriend?

Guys want their friends to like their girlfriend but nothing more........ They don't want her to be liked by his friends as much as he likes her........ Guys just want their friends to accept her and be ok with it but not love her...

Why do guys play hard to get after they express they like you?

Guys don't play hard to get. If he's acting like he's not interested in you, either he's legitimately not interested, or he's embarrassed to admit he's interested in you in front of his friends.

What are folks?

it is like when people say friends or "guys"

Why do girls have friends with benfits?

because guys like it

What does it mean if you are made fun of in front of the popular guy you like but he still talks to you sometimes in class like a normal person And this guy knows you like him btw?

Well maybe you're better off as friends...or sometimes it depends on the guy and what kind of guy he is. And guys are guys...they don't really stress out on girls being made fun of in front of them.

What are the not-so-obvious signs that a guy is flirting with you when he's popular and too cute?

Some Guys tend to pick on girls they like to look cool in front of their friends

Where do teenage girls like to hangout with guys?

The Mall. The Movies. Just hang around the town. For me and my friends, we personally like skateboarding and the mall. By the way, Most of my friends are guys. (:

Do married men like gay guys?

Yes. Gay guys make great friends.

Your boyfriend made a sexual joke about you in front of his friends?

He was probably showing off to his friends. Guys try to impress their friends and you should tell him that you don't want him to talk about you like that, because it shows disrespect towards you and towards your relationship with each other.

What to do when you become friends with a guys then act like hes not here?

Don't Act like that! You aren't going to be friends for long then! And if u like him some guys wont think you're playing hard to get

What should you tell your husband if he feels like he is being taken advantage of by his friends?

Most guys do not like showing their emotions, but the only way for him to know is to ask them up front if he thinks they are lying to him then it is best to cut them off because, they aren't true friends.