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Q: Does it mean a guy is interested in you if he ask you how was your weekend?
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Should a girl ask a guy out on a date?

It's okay for a girl to ask out a guy under the right circumstances. If you are sure he is interested in you and he is single, then chat about something you are both interested in like a movie. Then say that you are interested in the movie and ask casually if he wants to go with you this weekend. If not, don't make a big deal out of it. Good luck.

If a guy asks is the ring you are wearing an engagement ring does it mean he is interested?

Possibly. Or he could just be interested in your ring. The only way to know for sure is to ask.

When a guy text you and you don't respond back and he text you to text him back what does that mean?

It means the guy is really interested in speaking to you. The reason will not be known unless you ask him.

How to ask a guy friend subtly if they are interested in me?

A good way to ask a guy subtly if he is interested in you is to send him a note to ask him. A better way would be to just come right out and ask in person because subtlety isn't always the best way to get someones attention when you are interested.

How can you tell if a guy is interested in dating you?

ask him.... scary but simple

Who to get a guy to ask you out?

Let him know that you are interested in him and that you would like to date him, he will probably ask you out.

If a guy asks someone you know if you are seeing a guy or not does it mean he may like you?

Pretty much, if he's going out of his way to ask then it's safe to say that he's interested.

How do you ask a girl out if she likes another guy?

If you notice any changes,then in a very straight manner ask her if she is interested in another guy .

If you tell a guy you like them and then after they ask you to hang does it mean theya re interested or they just want to get to know you?

it can mean both! obviously, just say yes and take it from there!! :)

How do you get a guy to ask you to homecoming?

Let him know you're interested in him asking you out.

Does a guy flirt with you or ask you if you are lonely if he is interested?

yes, unless he is weird.

How can you get a guy interested in you how would you get them to eventually ask you out?

lol just flirt with them.