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He will do anything to be talking to her

he will go out of his way for her

he will not know what to do to impress you

he will act stupid

he will try to impress her ect

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Q: How do you know if a guy likes a woman?
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Woman's intuition. Actually, talk to the guy or have your friend guy talk to him for you.

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if your tall and the man is really attracted to you you'll know. if he recoils at the sight of a short woman you'll know.

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It makes them upset because he likes her

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she is simply a lesbian.(wants a girl/woman likes a girl/woman she is a lesbian)(wants a guy/boy likes a guy/boy then he is a gay)

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Start talking to him and ask him what he likes in a girl/ woman. And if it starts to sound like you then you should be able to tell

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iam in love with this guy but i do not know if he likes me or some other girl

How do you know when a guy definitely likes you?

when he says he likes you.

How do you know if the guy you like likes you but you dont know him?

If a guy likes you but you don't know him he may look at you or walk by you whenever possible.

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What does straight guy mean?

It means that the guy isn't gay. That he only likes woman

Will the guy who likes you know the guy you like likes you and feel jealous?

Not sure how you expect someone to magically know something.