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It depends, Are there kids involved? Who started the Debt Husband Vs Wife Income rate?

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Q: If your husband committed adultrey during the marriage how can you make him pay the debts you've accured during the marriage?
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Did anita baker kill her x husband?

why does someone have to kill their husband?, as awful as it is of what he committed a horrible act of cheating and adultrey, maybe anita should have let God take care of him

In California can the wife annul a marriage made while the husband was in jail and is still in jail?

Yes, especially if the marriage is recent and the husband is going to be in jail for a long time or has committed a felony.

How do you forget your boyfriend and go back to your husband?

You and your husband have a commitment together. If he is still committed to you and your marriage despite your inattention, leave the boyfriend and concentrate on the husband and the balance of your lives. Perhaps get counseling so you can get closer in heart and mind.

How are you related to your husband?

You are related to your husband by marriage. He is your spouse.

What is arrangred marriage?

arranged marriage is when your parents arrange your wife/husband. And sometimes they may even have a dowry this is when the brides father pays the husband to be the husband .

Is your husband a relative?

Yes. You are related to your husband by marriage. He is your spouse.

Is it right for a Muslim man to leave his christian wife and family?

Sure it is not right unless she committed something that is against Islam teachings and morals as:adultery, orinsulting her husband ornot responding to the normal sexual relationships as husband and wife orstopped loving him and is seeking marriage with another manor the likeno !__________________________________________________Sure it is not right unless she committed something that is against Islam teachings and morals as:adultery, orinsulting her husband ornot responding to the normal sexual relationships as husband and wife orstopped loving him and is seeking marriage with another manor the like

Why should Hesters marriage be a failure?

well b/c she cheated on her man and committed adultery with someone else.

How do you get out of a marriage to a woman who is stil married to their first husband?

If she is still married to her 1st husband then her second marriage to you is illegal and you are NOT married.

What is a uncle by marriage?

An "uncle by marriage" would be your spouse's Aunt's husband.

Husband and wife relationship?

Husband and wife relationship is called a marriage.

Who is liable for my husband's debt that he had before marriage?

He is. What he comes to the marriage with is his, including debt.