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Yes it is possible. If you are worried you might be pregnant for about $16 - $30 you can get the morning after pill from the chemist without prescription. The morning after pill can be taken 72 hours after unprotected sex. The morning after pill is not an abortion pill and will not do anything if you are already pregnant - it will prevent you becoming pregnant, the same way the pill would if you took that.

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That would probably be about the best time.

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Q: Is it possible to get pregnant 4 days after ovulation?
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Had intercourse before 4 days of period is it possible to get pregnant?

you have a very small chance because the main time you get pregnant is during ovulation which is the 14th day after your period, usually.

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During oestrus (which lasts for 4-8 days) when the discharge stops and ovulation begins.

Can a woman get pregnant on the day of ovulation?

Ovulation is a one day thing. To get pregnant you need to have sperm inside of your body waiting for the egg or you need to have sex the day of ovulation and at the latest the day after ovulation to become pregnant. Keep in mind sperm can live 3-5 days in ideal conditions inside of the woman's body. However, once the egg is released (ovulation occurs) the egg is only able to be fertilized for upto 24-36 hours and then expires. To become pregnant your best bet is to have sex the day before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after ovulation. You are, however, considered fertile up to 4-5 days before ovulation occurs...due to the fact that sperm can survive in the reproductive organs of a woman for a few days.

Is it normal to feel hot only at night with breast tenderness 4 days past ovulation and be pregnant?


Can I still get pregnant 5 days after I ovulated?

Yes you can. After you ovulate the egg stays fertile for 4-6 days and sperm can live in the uterus 4-6 days. Also it is very hard for many women to know when exactly they ovulate and there are now kits at the drug store to help women determine if they are ovulating or not.

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse at your most fertile time but still experienced ovulation-like pains for 4 days?

If you have unprotected sex and have missed your period, you are probably pregnant. Some women feel some cramping when the egg implants into the uterus. If you think you are pregnant, take a home test or go see a doctor.

If you make out and have sore breasts after 4 days from your ovulation could it possibly be pregnancy symptom?

Um....unless you have had sex you wouldnt be pregnant!

Can you get pregnancy signs 4 days after ovulation?

No. It takes time for the hormones to build up within the body to see the signs of pregnancy. If you had unprotected sex 3-4 days BEFORE ovulation it is possible you are pregnant because sperm can live in the uterus 5-6 days, but you won't know for 3-4 weeks when you miss your first period. If you NOT had unprotected sex from day 11-18 of your cycle and have a 28 day cycle it is doubtful you are pregnant.

Is it possible for women to get pregnant if they are menstruating?

Highly unlikely, but not impossible. Sperm can live inside you for 2, 3 and up to 5 days. You could have sex towards the end of your bleeding and then actually conceive 4 or 5 days later with your early ovulation. The probabilities of getting pregnant while on your period are low, but the possibilities are there.

Can you be pregnant and get your period 4 days early?

It is possible that you could be pregnant, take a test to know for sure

How many day does a female ovulate during a monthly cycle?

Ovulation occurs only 1 day out of the month. However, the window that it is possible to get pregnant is 4 days. This is because some sperm can live up to 72 hours and impregnate when ovulation begins.

Can a women get pregnant when she had contact after her menstruation?

correct me if im wrong but if you have a regular period (28 weeks) then you ovulate right after menstruation. that's how i am, because i figured out ovulation days on a parenting website. put in the first day of my last period (sept. 24) and my ovulation days were oct. 4-8. so from the time you are pregnant to two weeks after you can ovulate and get pregnant