Bullying, weapons,adults
Some examples: * That boy was bullying me today * That girl was bullying me * I seen someone bullying my friend * Bullying is mean, rude, and horrible and should be stopped as soon as you see it happening. * Stop bullying before it gets to you * Bullying isn't just done with kids, adults bully each other too. * Kids are4n't the only ones bullying each other; adults are bullying each too. * Tell someone if you see bullying happening. * Some kids wers bullying me and my friends today because we were doing extra assignments for social class. * Frank kept bullying me today because I didn't finish his homework yesterday. etc.
He was worried because he was realizing that there might not be adults on the island :]
Cyber-bullying is just when people (adults, kids, teens) bully you online as in cyber so on the computer,
they talk to everyone and practice saying "thats bullying and i want you to stop" believe me cuz i had to attend one of these talks
Tell them. Use explanation.
Aproximately 10,000 people are bullied each year. Many go without help or treatment from adults. Bullying is the cause of suicide across teens.
Bullying is mean and it is wrong. Adults are trying very hard right now to stop bullying because we understand how awful it is, but it's hard because kids are just not mature enough yet to be able to control their anger and stop bullying other kids.
Because they're worried someone will do something to their kids.
I think that to limit the incidence of bullying at school there could be a whole school assembly talking about the affects of bullying and true life stories? This way it could show the bullies what pain and hurt is caused by bullying but I also feel that there is no proper way to stop bullying as there are some cruel people in this world who make their own decisions however there are websites you can go on and you can talk to adults as well STOP BULLYING
Indirect bullying is generally not a valid justification for physical retaliation. This is a trap you should avoid because it will make you look like the bully. Others won't realize you are being bullied, and you might be suspended from school for fighting and/or bullying. This is one of those cases where you need to tell some adults.
Talk to someone like how you feel about bullying. provide guidance counselors and make the adults in your school to actually try to listen to the kids for once and provide good education in a peaceful community which i can see is not so soon.