Amanda in french means digital humanites
Amanda is Latin and it means lovable.
The meaning of the word Amanda in Spanish is loved
Latin amanda meaning "lovable, worthy of love".
Latin amanda meaning "lovable, worthy of love".
Lynn is masculine and feminine, and originates from an English surname which was derived from the Welsh llyn"Lake."In some cases, it may be a nickname for Linda-- meaning "Soft; Tender" or "Beautiful."
The nicest baby name is "Amanda." The name Amanda will mean the child is very loving.
Amanda does not have any meaning in the Choctaw language. Amanda is a female name of Latin origin that means "lovable."
In Spanish, Amanda translates to "lovable" or "worthy of love."
Laura and Stephanie Lynne are the daughters of ELO frontman Jeff Lynne.
The name Amanda means Lovable in Greek Language!!! The name Amanda means Lovable in Greek Language!!!