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He really likes you!!!!

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Q: What does that mean if your friend tells him you like him and he says I want to know the girl and looks at you and smiles?
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What does it mean when a guy tells his friend that a girl is stalking him but shes actually not and he looks at her a lot and smiles?

It means that the guy has a crush on the girl but he is has too much pride to admit that to his friends.

How could you tell a girl like you?

She looks at you and she smiles.

What does that mean if your friend tells the guy you like a girl likes him and he says I want to know the girl and looks at you and smiles and you are the girl without him knowing it's you?

Just tell him it's you or just say it's someone by the name of like Sarah Le. That she's your friend from when you took a trip to Disney World and I've been in situations like this!

How do you know if a girl knows you?

If she smiles at you, talks to you, and looks at you alot.!

What does it mean when your friend guy mentions you to your friend girl she smiles?

He likes u and asked her not to tell

What does it mean when a guy looks into a girl's eyes then smiles and blushes?

This could suggest that the guy is feeling attracted or nervous around the girl. Blushing can indicate a physical or emotional response to being in the girl's presence. Smiling and making eye contact are often signs of interest or positive feelings.

What does it mean when the girl you like helps you with stuff you do like passing a sharpener to her friend when she asks and the girl you like offers to help?

It can mean nothing. The girl is just trying to be helpful. If the girl smiles and looks giggly while passing the sharpener than she my like you.

Does it means a girl likes you when she looks at you a lot and when you look at her back she smiles?

she likes you a lot

How do find out if a girl like's you?

Ask one of her friends, and watch closely how she acts around you, how she looks at you, smiles at you, and looks into your eyes.

What does it mean if a guy tells his friend that the girl is fine and his friend tells you?

that means that the guy is interested in the girl and that the guy wants the girl to know but he is kind of shy to tell the girl so he tells his friend to tell you. is that girl you though? becasue i dont really understand this question.

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a guy and the guy looks down but then looks back up and smiles but the girl doesn't look at him?

It appears both parties in this are feeling shy and awkward and there are no direct signals as how the girl really feels. Take a chance and ask her out if you really like her. Good luck!

How would you know if a girl is interested on you?

She flirts or jsut looks at you and smiles alot whenever she sees you