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Shema is the penultimate prayer of Judaism. Translated, it means, "Hear, O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One." It is said twice every day, at the climax of High Holy Days prayers, and before a person dies or is killed. It is the most important and defining prayer in Judaism! To learn more about shema, I think there's a website called that going to be going up in a month or so. It's worth checking out.

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13y ago

The shema is the basic and main tenet of Judaism: to be a witness and to know that there is but one G-d above. This is a very important prayer because it is the declaration of Jewish faith which all Jews across the world must know and believe in we all must believe in this amazing truth

The shema is a prayer where judiasm started from the knowing of one G-d

This prayer is a very holy prayer because when saying it you are connecting with Hashem on a great level because you know and believe in the truth (one G-d)

The shema is not a praise its a fact true fact/ statement about G-d

Just like roses are red;G-d is one its a true fact

When we cover our eyes in shema its done for consentration on these holy words:

Hear Israel Hashem our G-d hes one and only its true fact- by saying these words we are annouceing all over to our nation that our G-d is one and he is true

so next time you say this amazing prayer that's been said for years think about that this is the truth we are here because of this amazing truth That G-d is one

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13y ago

You can say that the Shema is the declaration of Jewish faith. The shema is the basic Jewish belief: having one G-d. Judaism is built upon this prayer-one G-d- and having faith in one G-d is in the blood and soul of all Jews forever. All Jews should know the meaning of this important prayer (knowing the existence of one G-d). This is also one of the ten commandments for the Jews and the 7 noahide laws.

MAke sure next time you say Shema say with alot of love and care

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13y ago

Shema, pronounced Sh'mAH with the accent on the ah, means "Hear" or "Listen." It's the name of what is perhaps the most important Jewish prayer, and it's called that because it's the first word of the prayer. The first verse is the major part of the prayer, usually translated "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One" (Deuteronomy 6:4: Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohenu Adonai Echad). It's important because the oneness of God (His essential unity and the fact that there is only one God) is the core belief of Judaism.

The Shema is part of the morning prayer service, and also a bedtime prayer. It's said to be the last words a Jews should utter upon death. In a famous incident, Rabbi Akiva (1st century CE) calmly recited this verse while being tortured to death for disobeying the Roman order to stop teaching the Torah, hence its association with Jewish martyrdom.

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15y ago

The shema is a declaration of faith. It is so important, Jews recite it twice a day and even on their deathbed.

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13y ago

They teach you about the shema in R.E and the first line to it is Hear o Lord Our god The lord is one

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Paper? Shema is a prayer.

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What do Jews do to help them remember the shema?

Observant Jews say the Shema twice a day.

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The cast of Shema - 2005 includes: Michael Pycher as Eli

What does the shema say about beliefs of god?

the shema contains seven fundemental jewish beliefs and concepts about g-d. The basic teaching of the shema is that G-d is a whole being.He is not divisible and cannot be contained.

When is Shema said in prayer services?

Shema is said in prayers before you start shmona-esrey but it can't be said with out a minyan.

What is Shema Yisrael well known for?

Shema Yisrael is a section of the Torah, but is best known as the most widely known prayer of the Jewish religion. It is part of the morning and evening prayers.

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Was Shema a goddess?

Are you confusing Siva or Shiva, the Hindu god known as "the destroyer," with the Shema, the Jewish proclamation of the oneness of God? They are different.

What is the link between the tefillin and the shema?

The Tefilin is mentioned in Shema as it says: Ukishartem Li'os al yudecha Vi'hayu li'totafos bein ainecha. (Deuteronomy 6:8). And you shall bind them as a sign on your arm and let there be Tefillin between your eyes.This is how Tefillin is related to the shema.

How do Jewish people ensure that shema is special in their life?

Jews traditionally recite the Shema twice daily, on arising in the morning and on going to bed at night. In addition, the text of the Shema is written on a scroll that is attached to the doorposts of a large fraction of all houses. If you are familiar with the text of the Shema, it includes the commandments to recite it on rising and going to bed, and to write it on the doorposts, so the Jewish tradition is simply following these commandments.

Where did the shema come from?

It came from Deuteronomy 6 : 4 .