I'm not sure about the clear but the red colored palmolive made my hands break out.
I'd probably stay clear of her.... especially if your dad is old
Do not try to break him and his girlfriend up! Let it go and if they break up (totally nothing to do with you) then you can tell him how you feel. Let him know how you feel but make it clear to him you don't want him to leave his girlfriend unless he really doesn't think it is working out or if he likes you more and feels like you could have a stronger relationship with him.
It is not clear.
I think you should make sure if he likes you and make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend. If he doesn't, ask him out or make it clear that you like him so he asks you out.
Stay friends and don't push but make it clear if she is not your girlfriend you can see other people.
I would stear clear of him....number 1 he is lying to you already---he has a girlfriend---and number 2 what if you were that girlfriend....he is just another cheating guy. www.bethebride.net
Yes it does, but after using for about a week the skin will start to clear up and before you know it you will have beautiful looking clear skin.
What's the question?
Some teens will break-up,but it's not 100% likely.If they will,give it a month to 3 days.It all depends on if they like each other or not.It also depends on other things,like how alike they are or how desperate one of them or both of them to get a (boy/girl)friend.
its clear that if you love him than you should stay with him. no matter how fair away he is
opinion or personal bias. It should focus on presenting a clear relationship between a specific event (the cause) and its resulting consequences (the effect).