he needs to let that woman know that there isn't a spark there anymore, or maybe try to rekindle the love!
I don't know for sure but they might feel embarrassed but then again they might not because its their job, another reason they might/ might not is their sexuality.
Do you mean that you want to feel sad again, or that you do feel sad again and wonder why?
till u distinguish between man and women u will stay confused.take men and woman as humanbeing.and uwilldiscover all things are same.and to be very frank mens do feel jelus like women do.
Mythically, ostriches stick there heads in the sand when they feel they are in danger. So to behave like an ostrich is to ignore a problem in the hope that it will go away.
No, I dont feel that.
She may feel like a sexual relationship, however that does not make her a lesbian. Flirting is a ego boost by itself. It does not need to lead to anything at all.
You can't make him feel anything for you. However, if you become the woman YOU admire most, you will surely attract a good man.
a drug.
Nobody feels anything when fertilization first occurs. The pregnancy symptoms are more than a month away.
You do not say if you feel that you should be a woman and not a man, or that you wondered what it would be like to be a woman. If a man is born a man with all of the bodily parts of a man, then that is what he is. He will never be anything else no matter what his feelings are. The problem lies in that in each man there is a feminine side to his nature which in some men becomes the stronger emotion. They therefor feel that they should indeed have been born a woman. Morally you cannot interfere with what you were born as. It is against all of the laws of human nature.