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Did she seem intrested in you? if not just dont call her , but it she seemed to really like you Call her the day after the date and ask for a second ide rather a guy call and ask me for a date then just wait around for 8 days intell he relizes weather he liked me or not. So call NOW

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Q: When should you ask her on a second date?
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How do you ask a girl for a second date should you wait for a few days?

'do you fancy going out again'. ask her when you feel comfortable. she will probably be waiting for you to ask her.

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your boyfriend.............never ask your boyfriend to a date seriously

How do you ask a guy out on your second date?

You've already had your first, so this time should be a little easier. When you know what you want to do on the date, just ask him if he wants to. Good luck!

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Answer I'd ask her out for a second date, what do you have to loose.

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ask him how he aonestly feels about you

How do you ask a girl out on a second date?

Answer The same way you asked her out on the first date.

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huh? well if you want to kiss her you should ask her on a date or something over the phone if that's what you meen then kiss her. you don't ask, you just kiss her. but not on the first date, maybe on the second or third...

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It means she is not interested, sorry. You are hearing this from a lady, i should know.

How can you tell if a date went well?

If you ask for a second date and they say yes, the date went well.

Does a girl prefer that a guy ask her out on a date or to hang out?

this should be the first question that you ask the woman, and her answer will tell you what you second question to her should be. ( can I take you out on a date? can we hang out?) Careful tho,if you haven't known her long enough to already know her preference, she may consider you to be to forward. I think you should ask her out on a date if you like her and maybe would like to be in a relationship with her some day but if you have no romantic interest in her and like her as a friend then just ask her to hang out.

How can you find out if a girl you like is allowed to date and should you ask her out?

you ask her?...Or you ask her best friend if she likes you and is she allowed to date.

How can you tell if someone likes you after first date?

The most obvious indication is that they ask you for a second date.