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You should tell the other girl and both break up with your boyfriend.

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Q: When you know your boyfriend is cheating on you with girl you know what should you do?
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The girl your boyfriend is cheating on you with does not know you exist should you tell her?

Yes, first of all he shouldn't be doing that and second of all that other girl deserves to know.

If your boyfriend thinks another girl is hot is he cheating on you?

Kinda but not really. You should think of it as just another girl that looks like you. (if you know what i mean)

How do you know if your boyfriend is cheating on you with one of his girl friends?

Well he obviosly is if he has girlfriends

What should you do if you know that your boyfriend cheating on you?

Address him about it face to face.

What should you do if you found out your boyfriend is cheating because the girl he is cheating with told you and your boyfriend doesn't seem to care that you know?

Find another boyfriend that cares about you and won't cheat on you. Maybe he is trying to tell you something without directly saying the words to you. He apparently doesn't give a #*@*# about how you feel. the girl is jealous and the boy is gay

Should you meet the woman your boyfriend cheated on you with?

No, it is not a good idea to meet the woman your boyfriend cheated with. It is your boyfriend who either instigated cheating or he was talked into dating by the other girl and he could have formed the word 'no' and this makes him 100% responsible for cheating on you. Let your boyfriend know you do not put up with cheating and refuse to share any boyfriend with another woman. If he doesn't take the hint then get rid of him.

When is your boyfriend cheating?

The only way you will know if and where your boyfriend is cheating is either ask him straight out (he may lie about it) or, take a girlfriend with you on an evening he should be with you and follow him.

What happens when your boyfriend is saying i miss you to another girl?

What happens is, you confront him, & if he cheating then you'll know what to do.

How do you know if you and your boyfriend should keep going out?

if you still like him and if he's not cheating on you.

How do you know if your boyfriend has another girl?

If your boyfriend starts to stop showing affection towards you and is always busy and going out instead of being with you. These are signs of your boyfriend cheating on you.

Should I believe my boyfriend when he told a girl he loved her to get rid of her and that he was scared because she acted psychotic and he had to carry on the relationship for two months more?

* No, you should not believe your boyfriend. If he was telling the truth and told the girl he loved her then why would she become psychotic? He has been cheating on you and you either caught him cheating or someone else told you and he was simply caught cheating. He isn't much of a man when he would lie about the girl being psychotic. The truth of the matter is he cheated, you know, he is blaming the girl. Get rid of him!

I don't know what to do because one girl at my school keeps on telling my boyfriend that i am cheating on him with one of my guy friends but i am not and i do not know if my boyfriend trusts me?

The way to look at is if your boyfriend loves u he will belive u. That other girl is probably just trying to get with your boyfriend .