Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft is one of Bill Gate's closest friends. Also, Oprah is one of the Bill Gates closest friends.
Some of Bill Gates' well-known friends include Warren Buffett, Melinda Gates (his ex-wife), and Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft).
Yes, they have met. Actually at a period of time, Bill Gates worked for Steve Jobs. They were very close friends.
They were never friends so there was no falling out.
bill gates bill gates bill gates bill gates bill gates bill gates
Bill Gates is married.
yes he is one of my many ggood friends, and yes he did.
No. Bill Gates is currently the closest to the mark by far, however, at over $50 billion.
He never did create Apple. Steve Jobs and his friends did. Bill Gates created Microsoft. And no, he did not create the word apples or the food apples either.
He has a lot of friends! Most of his friends live in his home town; Seattle, Washington, but he has made new friends since he has been in microsoft.
He has a lot of friends! Most of his friends live in his home town; Seattle, Washington, but he has made new friends since he has been in microsoft.
Bill gates