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Q: Who should be responsible for children online?
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Who is responsible for childrens medical bills?

It depends partially on the age of the children. If they are not adults, the parents are responsible. If the children are above the age of majority, and not on their parents' insurance, they should be responsible for their own debts.

What are three things parents are responsible for to protect their children's health?

Parents are responsible for providing food, clothing, and shelter for their children. Ideally, parents should also take their children for regular checkups and recommended vaccinations and should be sure their children are seen by a doctor when ill.

Should this site be online?

no this site should not be online because it is giving children the opportunity to cheat on there homework

Why should you be responsible for other people's actions?

Generally speaking, we are not. We are, however, usually responsible for the actions of our children, and possibly for people in our care.

Are parents responsible for online contracts signed by children?

In general, parents are not legally responsible for online contracts signed by their children unless they have actively participated in the transaction or given their authorization for it. The responsibility for understanding and agreeing to contractual terms would typically fall on the child. However, it's advisable for parents to monitor and guide their children's online activities to prevent any unintended consequences.

Should children over 18 be allowed to drink alcohol?

People over 18 are no longer children. Any adult should be familiar with with the meaning of 'responsible consumption'

How should children learn online meet zoom?

Do zoom with their cameras

Should children under 13 have instagram?

Children under 13 should not have Instagram and their internet use should be monitored. Too many young children have poor judgement and are often bullied online.

Should parents be held responsible for their children's misbehavior?

Parents should be held accountable to some extent for their children's misbehavior, as they play a crucial role in shaping their children's behavior. However, the extent of their responsibility may vary depending on the situation and the age of the child. It is important for parents to provide guidance, set boundaries, and teach their children to be responsible for their actions.

What should you know about child gun safety?

Children should be taught what guns are, and to leave them alone unless they are with a responsible adult. And since children do not always listen, firearms should be securely stored under lock.

What site has the information for comparison on the best online schools for my children?

Here is list that should help you to know more about information for comparison on the best online schools for your children: - -

Is it legal to spy on your kids online?

If your children are minors, you're not spying, you're looking out for them. So, it's not illegal. It's called responsible parenting.