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It was banned because it had the "N" word in it 48 times out of 281 pages.

It was banned because of its racist implications toward the government. Many people denied being racist, so this novel was the key to helping racism getting acknowledged. Also book reviewers said the information was wrong and that the court system she had wrote about was wrong, they believed the court system was fair.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Many schools ban the famous novel for its use of racial slurs including the use of the n-word. Also it shows child abuse and Huck's bad behavior.


Twain's "Huck Finn" was banned because it showed that the black slaves and freemen of America were as human as any of the white characters. In many cases they were superior to the local white population such as Huck's pap. the feuding families, the carpet baggers and so on. Jim (the escaped slave) was as much hero of th story as Huck. This revelation did not sit well with the segregationists.

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9y ago

To Kill a Mockingbird is often banned due to the use of the word "n*gger". If one reads the story, however, the word is never used by a main character, and the main characters are against racism.
In the U.S., it has never actually been legally banned. However, there have always been some people who have objections to the drug abuse, racial epithets, and/or sexual themes. Some schools and libraries refuse to carry it, but it has never been an illegal book as far as I know. It has never gone out-of-print in the United States and is generally considered to be a classic.

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7mo ago

'To Kill a Mockingbird' has faced bans since its publication in 1960 due to its depiction of racial themes and strong language. It continues to be challenged in some school districts even today.

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12y ago

It snowed for the first time in Maycomb county, So basically bad/cold weather :{D however you wanna put it ! </3 have a nice day!!

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11y ago

The government of South Africa because it was incorrectly characterised as racist.

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14y ago

It was Banned because its not right to have in schools

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12y ago

Based on a true story from Harper lees experience

Shows how they use to treat people before

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Tim Quick

Lvl 2
3y ago

This is stupid. The book is antiraciste. It dis robes accurately the 30s South. Tom Robinson is the mockingbird and his death was a sin.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Because it was inappropriate

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Q: When was 'To Kill a Mockingbird' banned?
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Is To Kill a Mockingbird banned?


When was To Kill a Mockingbird first banned?

&quot;To Kill a Mockingbird&quot; was first banned in 1966 by a school board in Hanover, Pennsylvania due to its use of profanity and racial themes.

Was To Kill a Mockingbird banned?

The government of South Africa because it was incorrectly characterised as racist.

What is a popular book in many high school English classes by Harper Lee that has been banned or challenged?

To Kill A Mockingbird.

How many chapters are there in To Kill a Mockingbird?

There are 31 chapters in "To Kill a Mockingbird".

What was the Production Budget for To Kill A Mockingbird?

The production budget for &quot;To Kill a Mockingbird&quot; was around $2 million.

Who directed the film To Kill a Mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird was directed by Robert Mulligan.

When was To Kill a Mockingbird released?

To Kill A Mockingbird was released on 12/25/1962.

What is the opposite of To Kill a Mockingbird?

To save a mockingbird

Who wrote how To Kill a Mockingbird?

How To Kill a Mockingbird was a flash animation by Anthony Scodary and Nico Benitez.How to Kill a Mockingbird was also a film written by Joe Sweet.Neither should be confused with the classic book To Kill a Mockingbird, which was written by Harper Lee.

What did Harper Lee call To Kill a Mockingbird before To Kill a Mockingbird?

Harper Lee originally titled the book &quot;Atticus&quot; before changing it to &quot;To Kill a Mockingbird.&quot;

What book has this quote 'That's why it is a sin To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Surprisingly enough, To Kill a Mockingbird.