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Q: The ability of a good or service to satisfy a human need is called in marketing?
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The power of a good or service to satisfy a human need is called utility?

To satisfy human "wants" and not "needs"

What is promotion and advertising stage of a product or service called?


What is the promotion and advertising stage of a product or service called?

Answer this question… Marketing

An essential function that is performed by one or more individuals and is used to satisfy human wants or needs is called a?


An essential function that is performed by one or more individuals and is used to satisfy human wants or needs is called a what?

A service!

International advertising by service sector?

That would be called segment marketing whether it is local or international.

Where could one search marketing services online?

Marketing services online can be researched online at a website called Online Marketing Services Review. This company will provide the information necessary to help a person choose the service they need.

What is The ability to produce more cheaply?

The ability to produce a product or service at a better cost is called increase productivity. The United States of America leads the world in productivity.

The combination of 4ps in marketing is called?

Marketing mix

Why marketing management called demand management?

Demand is a desire to own anything which has an ability to pay for it plus willingnes to pay. Marketing stimulus demand through promotion (which can be advertising, sales, publishing, public relation etc). It also fulfil demand by offering appropriate marketing mixes. Marketing is concerned with demand management for customer satisfaction. Thanks

What is the ability to decompose called?

the ability is called decomposion

What is The added value that marketing adds to a product is called?
