

Where did they dump the tea?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The Bostonians at the Boston Tea Party dumped 342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.

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Where did Paul Revere dump the tea and how much tea did he dump?

Paul Revere did not dump the tea into the Boston Harbor. A group of colonists boarded a ship on the night of December 16, 1773 and working quickly dumped valuable tea into the bay. This is known as the Boston Tea Party.

Why did Indians dump the tea in harbor?

To protest the tax on tea.

What harbor did they dump the tea in?


How many buckets of tea did they dump out when the Boston tea party happened?

342 chests of tea

What will the participants do with the tea?

dump it over board

How long did the colonists take to dump the tea off the Dartmouth the Beaver and the Eleanor?

It took 2-3 hours to dump the 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

Why did they dump tea in the sea was that part of the bostoin tea party?

they wanted to let the british know that they revolted the tea act.

Did Samuel Adams help dump tea into the Boston Harbor?

Yes, he did.

When did Paul Revere dump the tea into the Boston Harbor?

December 16th, 1773, He helped dump 342 chest of tea into the Boston harbor!

Do people dump tea in swimming pools?

no they most certainly do not .

How many boxes of tea did they dump into Boston harbor?


When did the Colonists dump tea in to Boston Harbor?

The day of the Boston Tea Party. Which was December 16, 1773