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It is generally not a good idea to swim with Great White Sharks, or Carcharodon carcharias.

Firstly, it's humanly impossible to swim to the depths a great white shark can, which is about 1,220 meters, or 4,000 feet.

Even if the shark(s) in question surface, there are many predators in the sea and it is highly recommended to focus on safety first.

However, though dangerous, great white sharks do not aim for or prey on humans; almost all shark attacks are non-fatal and a result of "testing". Several other factors, including mistaken identity, may result in a shark accidentally attacking. Therefore, it is best to keep yourself safe from shark attacks.

However, great white sharks are by no means "weak" or "safe." They have several methods of attacking, including:

  • Bite-and-Flee (also known as "hit-and-run")
  • Bump-and-Bite
  • Sneak Attack

Though most shark attacks are provoked, sharks have been known to attack humans, of which some the reasons are stated above. They use the above list of methods in case of the latter.

In conclusion, one may swim with great white sharks if circumstances allow, but it is a safety and health risk.

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14y ago

It is possible with most types of sharks, but a few species will not appreciate a human swimming partner.

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How fast do great white sharks swim?

According to scientists it is 25 mph.

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How many great white sharks live in a group?

they usually swim on their own but they sometimes swim in a group which is about 3

Where do great white sharks hunt?

Great white sharks are some of the only warm blooded sharks. This allows them to swim in colder waters in addition to warm, tropical waters. Great White sharks can be found as north as Alaska and as south as the southern tip of South America. They exist worldwide, everywhere in-between.

How fast do Great White Sharks have to swim to jump out of water?

Great White Sharks can swim up to twenty miles per hour and need to attain this speed to launch their massive bodies out of the water. This type of jumping is typically done as a surprise attack on an unsuspecting seal.

Why cant great white sharks stop swimming?

Great white sharks swim in the ocean because they are very big sea creatures. They need space to swim, and hunt for food. Also, they like to swim near the deepest, darkest, coldest bottom of the ocean.

How do the white sharks get northern Ca?

They swim.

Do sharks swim in Britain?

Some sharks do like the mako shark and basking shark but not sharks like the hammer head and great white and all the reef sharks however they think that many sharks like the great white as the ice caps are melting are migrating to Britain as the water is getting warmer from global warming.

What kinds of sharks do great white sharks eat?

Great White Sharks eat smaller sharks