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not many. Until recently i had a 15litre 'Baby Biorb' bowl with 2 goldfish in, however it did seem quite cramped even with just those 2 in there so I have upgraded to the 30litre version.

i guess however that it depends on what type of fish you are planning on keeping, i would say that my 15litre bowl would house maybe half a dozen minnows without problems, but anything larger will just feel cramped and won't be good the for the fish's health.

hope this helps to answer your question The rule of thumb for freshwater tanks is 1 inch of fish per gallon. That'd convert to 0.7 cm per liter if you have metric fish.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Using the simple calculation of 2.5cm of fish requires approximately 4ltrs of water, you would be OK putting 100 small fish of 2.5cm. (or 250cms of fish in total length) If you add lights, substrate, plants, a cycled filter and air then you can double this without problems. Please also consider what species you are introducing. A monotype aquarium is safest, but only of interest to a species specific fancier. Mixing species is risky, without even considering vegetarians vs. carnivores. Also, don't forget that a well-run environment will encourage growth, so that an initially stable tank will grow 'out of' itself quite quickly. Either subscribe to a good magazine or online site, or pick a quiet time at your local supplier and pick their brains.

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15y ago

There are many but for a beginner, most livebearers are OK as mixed community fish as are most Tetras, Barbs and Danios. Please remember the basic rule of 1" of fish requires1 gal of water. Take into consideration that the young fish you buy will probably grow larger. Also your tank can not be filled right to the brim and it will also probably have some kind of substrata. That will mean that your tank will only contain about 14 or 15 gals.

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11y ago

If you want goldfish, then only one fancy goldfish. A 20 gallon is better suited for tropical fish use when you want a tank with more fish to watch as you have a large number of options available to you with schooling fish such as neon tetras, rasboras, or even white cloud minnows.

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16y ago

20 liters is just a little over 5 gallons, the rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water, or 2.54 centimeters of fish per 3.79 liters of water.

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15y ago

It can be any size as long as the volume is 20 gallons. There are two common sizes for a 20 gallon to be; 20 long and 20 high. 20 long is 24x12x16, 20 high is 30 x 12 x 12.

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12y ago

About 20, think about it s every 1 in fish per gallon :)

Hope it helped!

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10y ago

It depends on the size and type of fish.

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Q: How many fish can you have in a 20 gallon tank?
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