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As it is edible for them and helps wear down their teeth. People feed timothy hay to guinea pigs that aren't pregnant or young as if you give a normal guinea pig alfalfa hay (which is for pregnant guinea pigs and young guinea pigs), it will be too high in calcium (I think) which is bad for them.

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no they still need the hay for extra nutrients

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Q: Can guinea pigs eat timothy hay pellets instead of the grass hay?
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What kind of hay does a guinea pig eat?

Timothy hay for an adult, alfalfa for a baby. There alternatives for timothy such as oat grass, but timothy hay is really best.

Do guinea pigs eat wheat grass?

no. they eat timothy hay and dry pellet food

What type of pellets do guinea pigs eat?

They eat simple grass (or hay) based guinea pig pellets that DO NOT contain seeds, dairy, nuts, dry fruit or colourful pieces. Raw fibre percentage should be around 24% and the pellets should have vitamin C added.

What kind of food can eat guinea pigs?

Probably the best thing to feed your guinea pig is guinea pig food. Guinea pigs also like to eat any kinds of fruits or vegetables. They also like to nibble on grass sometimes too.I have a guinea pig who just turned 1, and she loves to eat timothy hay and carrots. My guinea pig sometimes likes celery. You can try bannana but they dont really eat it.The best food to feed a guinea pig is a food that has timothy and doesn't have a big selection of different pieces. The thing with selection is, guinea pigs will pick and choose what they do and don't want to eat, so they won't eat everything. Also, guinea pigs can't make their own vitamin C, so they need to eat veggies with lots of vitamin C. Broccoli, oranges, and peppers have a lot of vitamin C.They need an unlimited supply of timothy, hay fresh water green peppers, cucumbers,oranges,apples, and blueberries. They also need plain pellets with no dried fruit or hay bits in it.Nuts, meats, and dairy. Do not even feed yogurt drops. They are very bad for piggies. And only feed carrots in moderation like only once a week or they can cause kidney and bladder stones.

Can guinea pigs eat grass?

After eating grass your guinea pig may need regular worming since soil and grass can contain parasite eggs.yes, they can eat grass.yes they can! They can also eat dandelions.Yes

What rabbits eats?

They eat a ton of stuff like grass or timothy hay, My rabbit surprisingly likes bananas, Apples, Lettuce, their own feces, rabbit pellets.

Can you give me an examples of foods of horse?

hay - alfalfa, clover, timothy, grass. oats bran barley sweet feed pellets hay cubes carrots apples

What grasses can you put in the guinea pigs cage?

They need an unlimited supply of timothy hay, and you can also pick grass from outside and give itto them.

What is guinea grass?

The population of Guinea Grass is 3,500.

Is Rye Grass ok to feed to rabbits- guinea pigs- chinchillas or degus?

rye grass should not be fed to chinchillas but timothy hay is essechal for their diet and health and should be provided daiy

Is it OK to feed a guinea pig jelly?

Hell no. All you need is fresh water, grass hay, natural pellets, fresh vegetables and fruits for treat. Please, check the link for info about guinea pig feeding.