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yes cook for 15 minutes on 450

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Q: Can you use fast acting yeast for a pizza dough?
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Does fast acting yeast really reduce cooking time?

It isn't the cooking time that's reduced. It's the time for the dough to rise. "Fast-Acting" yeast causes the dough to rise a little bit faster (it's usually advertised as being one-half of regular but I haven't found that to be the case). Once the dough has risen, the baking time is just the same for either regular or fast-acting yeast. I stopped using fast-acting yeast because it didn't seem like I got the same "rise" (ie, air infusion into the dough) that I got with regular yeast and the amount of rising time wasn't shortened enough to make the compromise worth it.

How does yeast work in the making of bread?

Yeast is a microorganism that consumes sugar and produces carbon dioxide gas and alcohol through fermentation. In bread making, yeast is added to the dough where it feeds on the sugars in the flour, producing carbon dioxide gas that causes the dough to rise. The alcohol evaporates during baking, leaving behind air pockets that give the bread its light, fluffy texture.

Why is temperature control important in preparing yeast dough?

Heat and warm water with some sugar activates yeast, almost like you're waking it up and feeding it. If the temperature too hot, you'll kill off the yeast and your break won't rise but if it's too cold you the yeast won't "wake up" and activate properly, so your break won't rise. You leave the dough in a warm spot after making the dough to give the yeast a chance to ferment the sugar in the dough and the carbon dioxide byproduct poofs it up.

What is an example of a fast acting leavening agent?

Baking soda is an example of a fast acting leavening agent. The chemical in baking soda is bicarbonate of soda (NaHCO3). When combined with an acidic ingredient, such as the lactic acid in buttermilk, baking soda releases carbon dioxide which forms bubbles in the food. When heated, these bubbles expand and help to rise or lighten the final product. A fast acting agent reacts at room temperature. It is the type of acid that determines whether the leavening agent is fast or slow acting. Baking powder can be "fast acting", "slow acting", or "double-acting". Double-acting is the most commonly used and it is the type of "acids" used that determine whether the baking powder is slow, fast, or double acting. Low temperature acids produce a fast acting agent while high temperature acids produce a slow acting agent. The use of a combination of both high and low temperature acids in baking powder creates a double acting agent.

How fast will hooch cure with yeast?

As fast as i can rape yo mama

Is pizza fast food?

Yes. Pizza is a fast food.don't you get it easily?it is hardly hard to grt it when you want it.NB fast food doesn't mean it good for you

What body system is the fast-acting control system?

The nervous system is the fast-acting control system.

How do you make fruit pizza?

Making dessert pizzas is great fun and really simple for you and your family to make. All you need is some simple pizza dough, and some great fruit mixes. In this article I will show you three very simple dessert pizza ideas that you will surely love. Step 1 The first step in making any kind of pizza is making the dough. Instead of buying the already made pizza dough, I recommend that you buy the bags of ready to make pizza dough. They're simple and very fast to make without the mess. Take one of your bags of dough out, add 1/2 cup of water to it and mix until you have a dough ball. Repeat the process on the other two and allow them to rest for about 30 minutes. Once they dough has rested, put one dough ball on a floured counter and roll it out into a pizza shape. Repeat the process until you have all three ready to go. Step 2 Turn your oven to 350 degrees F and place each pizza dough in for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. At the 10-minute mark, sprinkle a few spoonfuls of sugar onto the dough, which gives it a great sweet taste when cooked. Repeat the process with all three dough balls and put them aside when done. Step 3 Take one of your cans of pie fillings and one of your cooked pizza doughs. Spread the filling around until the crust is completely filled. Sprinkle the entire dessert pizza with powdered sugar and enjoy. Repeat with the next pie filling. If you want the dessert pizzas to be warm place them in the oven for five minutes and serve. Step 4 For the last dessert pizza, slice strawberries and set them aside. Place the softened cream cheese in a bowl, add 1/2 cup of sugar and blend until soft. Spread the cream cheese on the pizza crust, spread a couple of tablespoons of sugar on top of the cream cheese, then arrange the strawberries on the pizza crust until you reach the center. Sprinkle powdered sugar and serve. == * 3 bags of pizza crust mix * 1 1/2 cups of water * 2 cups of sugar * 1 can of apple pie filling * 1 can of blueberry pie filling * 1 container of fresh strawberries * 1 bag of powdered sugar * 1 pizza pan * 1 box of cream cheese

What is the Pizza Hut punch line?

Pizza Hut is always a great place for fast food.

The Pizza Slice is a subsidiary of which fast food chain?

The Pizza Slice is not a subsidiary any fast food chains. They are an independently owned pizza parlour in Ireland and have two locations, one in Bray and one in Monkstown.

Why should one avoid Fast Foods?

Fast-Foods like bread, Pizza , burger , biscuits and bakery items made from refined flour , yeast etc remain deposited in the intestines, this results in constipation , dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, obesity , Heart diseases, Diabetes, intestinal diseases etc.

Why should one avoid Fast-Foods?

Fast-Foods like bread, pizza , burger , biscuits and bakery items made from refined flour , yeast etc remain deposited in the intestines, this results in constipation , dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, obesity , heart diseases, diabetes, intestinal diseases etc.