Plain popcorn is not bad for gout. However, eating it with too much salt and butter is not good for gout or overall health.
I am not sure, but he possibility that sour dough pretzels might have higher levels of year may be a problem. I suffer from gout, and I beleive eating pretzels might be contributing to my recent flare up that is taking a long tome to go away. I had been eating several large pretzels almost every day, and my gout which usually goes away within a day or two has persisted.
I have stoped eating these pretzels. I will see if it affects my conditi N.
It is OK to eat tomatoes if you have gout, tomato's are one of the low risk foods for gout sufferers.
i founed some popcorn that was seven years past but cooked ,however i didnt eat it as it smelt really past it! after expiary for popcorn 3 years is the recommmended.
Some are, many not. Swedes wold be OK if I would know the ingredient's
If you just do some searches you'll see that egg whites are OK for gout. It's the yolks that have the nucleic acids and the purines.
Unbuttered, unsalted popcorn won't make make a dog sick, but popcorn could potentially become lodged in the throat, creating an upper airway obstruction.
Pizza, popcorn, candy, ham ,red rocks, people,... ok, fine it truly is fish
Yes the iroquois did eat popcorn the grew corn then cooked it to make popcorn
I would never even eat gout, with or without salad dressing!
You cant eat the popcorn on club penguin