It depends, the type of sushi and the person making the sushi gives much more options for different kinds. But basically it contains raw fish, rice, rice vinegar, and seaweed. It doesn't really matter how much of each ingredients added to create the sushi, it just matters what is put into the sushi.
There are no compounds found in calcium. Calcium is an element.
Neon isn't found in compounds.
Noris is most commonly found in Japanese sushi. It is dried seaweed that is sweet and salty to the taste, and most commonly wrapped around the sushi. It can also be found wrapped around rice balls.
Chlorine is commonly found in compounds such as sodium chloride (table salt), hydrochloric acid, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). It can also be found in various organic compounds known as chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Carbon containing compounds found in living things are called organic compounds. Examples of organic compounds are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleotides.
sushi and steak
the compounds that are found on Neptune are Hydrogen, Metane, Hydrogen deteride, and Ethane
Japanese Food, Food Network, and especially YouTube are where an individual can find recipes for sushi rice and how to make it. They have ingredients and instructions listed also.
Sushi Sushi was created in 1991.
You can eat their vegan sushi, most places do have this type of sushi available. They will generally have some other options as well. Rice is always a good option, some may even have some tofu.
these are carbon compounds not found in living things
They have most of the compounds found in your body or earth