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because he was out of spice

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Q: Why couldn't the asrtonaut make cinnamon toast?
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What other words can you make out of the word Olivia?

I think Crunch Cinnamon Toast

Can you make french toast with only eggs and cinnamon?

No, you need bread too...

Hy couldn't the astronaut make cinnamon toast?

Because he was outer spice.

Is tubby toast The same an cinnamon toast?

Tubby Toast has MANY variations on it's recipe, from plain toast to toast with peanut butter, M&Ms, Raisins, etc. The main characteristics of Tubby Toast is to cut the toast into a circle, with a cookie cutter or open can, and making a smiley face on it. The most common is to toast the bread, cut it into a circle, spreading peanut butter on it, then adding eyes, nose, and smile with your M&Ms or Raisins. You can, however, make it out of Cinnamon Toast, too, although it's not the "traditional" version.

How do you make cinnamon surgar?

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon (or you can grind fresh cinnamon sticks) to 1 tablespoon of white sugar. You can make to taste and make a cup of it and put it in a Glad bag with ziplock and keep for further use in your cupboard. Butter toast and sprinkle the mixture on top of the buttered toast. This can be done with buns as well.

When was Make a Toast created?

Make a Toast was created on 2008-11-21.

How do you make toast in the sun?

first u have to put a toast on a plate, place the plate on a roof, get a mirror and make the mirror reflect to the sun to make the toast

How many servings can you get for french toast?

you can make lots of ways here are some:french toast with a filling insideblue berry fillingstrawberry fillingcream cheese with any kind of berries you want

How do you make toast if you only have bread?

toast it in the toaster :) i guess :)

How do you make sugar free french toast?

There are a few ways to make french toast healthier. One way is to use fat free milk in the batter. Another is to substitute whole wheat bread for white the white bread. One other thing is that a sprinkle of powdered sugar can be used instead of syrup.

What is an alternative for vanilla in a french toast recipe?

You can use Vanilla Syrup as a subsitution. The vanilla is just for flavouring, you can make any cookie recipie without it. The cookies will taste a little differnet but since they are cookies they will still be good.

What sound does a Call Duck make?

i honestly couldnt care