pair of ace
- Raise and re-raise biggish pre-flop. - Dont slowplay as this will lead to you losing a lot of money. - Bet all streets unless 4 suited cards or 4 cards to a straight appear on the board. i.e: 369J(all hearts and you dont have a heart) or 5678, etc - Enjoy your winnings
Ace is either higher than king or lower than two. It depends on the game.
Two pairs of aces (called 4 of a kind) does beat a flush.
The double ace (pair of aces) will win from the double 4 (pair of fours).
You get a pair of earphones when you purchase your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3.
An acey-deucey is poker slang for either a two-pair hand consisting of two aces and two twos, or an ace and a two as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em.
1 higher pair can replace 2 lower pair.
Yes, a universal joint is a type of lower pair joint that allows for rotational motion between two shafts that are not in line with each other.
No, the higher ranking pairs in each hand have priority and are compared first and a pair of Aces beats a pair of Kings. The value of the lower pair is only relevant if the higher pairs in each hand are the same, for example KQ v K7. In this example the lower ranking pairs in each hand would be compared and because a Queen is higher than a seven, KQ beats K7.
No. The pair of kings is only one pair. No matter how low your 2 pair is (for instance fours & fives) it can't be beat by one pair.