

Best Answer

Bulbasaur , Ivysaur , Venusaur , Charmandar , Charmeleon , Charzard , Squirtle , Wartortle , Blastoise , Caterpie , Metapod , Butterfree , Weedle , Kakuna , Beedrill , Pidgey , Pidgeotto , Pidgeot , Rattata , Raticate , Spearow , Fearow , Ekans , Arbok , Pikachu , Raichu , Sandshrew , Sandslash , Nidoran(female) , Nidorina , Nidoqueen , Nidoran(male) , Nidorino , Nidoking , Clefairy , Clefable , Vulpix , Ninetales , Jigglypuff , Wigglytuff , Zubat , Golbat , Oddish , Gloom , Vilepume , Paras , Parasect , Venonat , Venomoth , Diglett , Dugtrio , Meowth , Persian , Psyduck , Golduck , Mankey , Primeape , Growlithe , Arcanine , Poliwag , Poliwhirl , Poliwrath , Abra , Kadabra , Alakazam , Machop , Machoke , Machamp , Bellsprout , Weepinbell , Victreebell , Tentacool , Tentacruel , Geodude , Graveler , Golem , Ponyta , Rapidash , Slowpoke , Slowbro , Magnemite , Magneton , Farfetch'd , Doduo , Dodrio , Seel , Dewgong , Grimer , Muk , Shellder , Cloyster , Gastly , Haunter , Gengar , Onix , Drowzee , Hypno , Krabby , Kingler , Voltorb , Electrode , Exeggcute , Exeggutor , Cubone , Marowak , Hitmonlee , Hitmonchan , Lickitung , Koffing , Weezing , Rhyhorn , Ryhdon , Chansey , Tangela , Kangaskhan , Horsea , Seadra , Goldeen , Seaking , Staryu , Starmie , Mr. Mime , Scyther , Jynx , Electabuzz , Magmar , Pinsir , Tauros , Magikarp , Gyarados , Lapras , Ditto , Eevee , Vaporeon , Jolteon , Flareon , Porygon , Omanyte , Omastar , Kabuto , Kabutops , Aerodactyl , Snorlax , Articuno , Zapdos , Moltres , Dratini , Dragonair , Dragonite , Mewtwo , Mew. I hope this helped!!!! It took me along time to do this!!! -Ginger290

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Q: All Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen in Game Boy advance?
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When do you know your done with the game Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have all the pokemon, got the diploma, got all the stickers.

How do you use a game shark to find all shiny Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

use a code

How do you get all starters in Pokemon LeafGreen?

No matter what game of Pokemon you play to get all the starters you have to trade with the other versions.

How you complete the Pokemon LeafGreen game?

Hello, in Pokemon LeafGreen you do not actually complete it. In fact in just about any Pokemon games you do not complete the game, its a never ending game so you can raise your Pokemon to lvl 100, complete the pokedex, and then Catch Em' All!

What are all the games of Game Boy advance that link together?

firered,leafgreen saphire,ruby,emerald

How do you get all the starter Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to trade with friends to get them, or trading with someone else (it can be by using GTS too) or by having another compatible Pokemon game (another LeafGreen, or a FireRed for instance), where you can restart the game and trade the starters.

What should you do after completing the game Pokemon LeafGreen?

migrate all your Pokemon except for an egg or a level 1 Pokemon and then start new game with another starter.

Can you download all the Pokemon in sapphire version from PC to the game boy advance?

can you get all the pokemon in sapphire version download from pc to gameboy advance?

Howm do you complete the game Pokemon LeafGreen?

it is almost imposabe you must catch evey Pokemon a get all items

What should you do after you have finished the game and caught every Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

If you finished the game and caught every Pokemon in leafgreen there are two things you can do try the trainer tower on seven island or get the diploma and collect all the stickers for your trainer card.

How do you Finish the pokedex in Pokemon LeafGreen?

...? umm this question doesnt make sense. you do it by seeing Pokemon! all the Pokemon in the game! (no trade)

How do you get all 3 starter Pokemon from Pokemon leafgreen onto Pokemon Platinum?

Start with the first starter Pokemon on leafgreen. If you are okay with deleting your data, then this will work. Have the first Pokemon and six others in the PC, and transfer your Pokemon onto your platinum game. Then once that is done, and you are all done catching the transferred Pokemon, then save the game. Eject the platinum game card. then when you are going onto the gameboy game, press "new game". Choose a different starter Pokemon, and do the same thing as the first, but have six Pokemon in bthe PC. When you are don't with that, do the same as before. Eventually you will have all three starters from leafgreen on your platinum!