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It is posible be cause a long time ago people with the same starting name were related. Like in 'The Odessy' Eurymacus and Eurylocust are related. They have the same name. So it is posible that SideSwipe and Sideways are related as they both have the same start to their name.

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Q: Are Sideswipe and Sideways brothers
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Sideswipe and jazz are both brothers or cool?

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Does Sideways die in transformers 3?

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No I do not believe so. Sideways is a Decepticon and Bumblebee is an Autobot.

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Are sideswipe and jazz brothers?

yes smokescreen they have the same alt mode

Which transformer would win Crankcase or Sideswipe?

Definitely Sideswipe, nothing can beat those blades. Crankcase would try and shoot Sideswipe, but he would probably easily be able to dodge all the shots, and he would approach for hand-to-hand combat, in which he easily has the upper hand. It would probably eventually end up with Sideswipe stabbing Crankcase, the latter trying to escape in vehicle mode, and Sideswipe doing what he similarly did to Sideways in the Revenge of the Fallen movie - impale the hood of the car using his blade and cutting it open in half, killing Crankcase.

Does sideways die in transformers 2?

Yea, gets cut in half by SideSwipe. But in Transformers, do any of them really die? U r right NO ONE DIES IN TRANSFORMERS

Are Baracade and Sideways brothers?

I do not believe so but it is posible

Who is sideswipe's brother?

Sunstreaker is Sideswipe's brother

What are sentences includeing sideswipe?

The boy did not know what sideswipe meant

What kind of car is Sideswipe in the movie Transformers?

Sideswipe is an Corvette