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Yes, but he would still be Paildramon (he doesn't necessarily needs Stingmon to digivolve into Paildramon).

but, it is also possible for him to digivolve into DinoBeemon (WITH Stingmon), and in this case there are 2 possible Megas: Imperialdramon or GranKuwagamon

DinoBeemon can also be obtained as Stingmon's natural digivolution without necessarily DNA digivolving with ExVeemon.

Veemon can also digivolve to an alternative champion form called Veedramon, which ultimate and mega forms are AeroVeedramon and UlforceVeedramon respectively

source: Many Digimon Video Games, v-pets etc.

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Q: Can Xveemon digivolve without Stingmon
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It seems that Monmon is only an NPC in these games. Sorry. (By the by, I apologize for the last person who answered this if you saw it. What a dick.)

How do you get Imperialdramon Paladin Mode in Digimon World Dawn?

I know that you need an Imperialdramon FM (Evolved from Paildramon) and an Omnimon (Metalgarurumon+Wargreymon DNA Digivolve one of them @ lvl 65+, w/ speed 400, and Friendship 100%) To get Imperialdramon PM, DNA Digivolve Omnimon and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode by being level 68, at least 50,000 Holy EXP, and an attack of at least 440.

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