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Q: Can you play the Pokemon ranger special missions in Beijing?
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How do you get special missions in the new Pokemon ranger wen they expire with out a password?

look on for shadows of almia and for Pokemon ranger special missions

How do you get the special missions in Pokemon Ranger?

by finishing the story line

How do you finish Pokemon Ranger?

in Pokemon ranger shadows of almia... you have to defeat regigigis and finish all of the special missions

How many normal missions are there in Pokemon Ranger?

There are 11 mission in all.. and you have special missions additionally..

How do you start the special missions in Pokemon Ranger?

You have to get a certain rank number

Are there only 4 special missions in Pokemon ranger?

Yes, there are only four special missions in Pokemon Ranger.AnswerIt depends on what you define as special missions. Yes, there are four special missions available via the Ranger Net option (available after you defeat the game from the opening menu), but there are also three equally special missions available in game play. These missions involve you going to the different Ranger Bases to talk to the Ranger leaders there. They will inform you of three different Pokemon who are causing havok in their area. The Pokemon, which you will need to capture, are Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. These, I would say, are special missions (which are only available after defeating Gordor, the Go-Rock Squad's boss).

What is the code to unlock the ranger net to do special missions on Pokemon ranger Shadows of Almia?

There isn't a code. You download your missions on Wi-Fi, and you have the ranger net at the beginning.

How you can get more special Missions on Pokemon Ranger 2?

have a friend with Pokemon dimond or pearl and go to ranger net with dimond or pearl on anoter ds seclet special missions then find what you want

How do you put in codes for special missions on Pokemon ranger?

L+R+Left Button, on the special mission screen, I believe

What are the special missions in Pokemon Ranger?

the missions are: find mew, the mirage; rescue celebi; gain deoxys' trust; recover the precious egg.

How can you erase ranger net missions on Pokemon Ranger?

You cannot erase Ranger Net Missions in Pokémon Ranger.

How do you get the extra ranger missions in Pokemon Ranger?

Beat the game first.AnswerTo get the Ranger Net missions, you must defeat Gordor and finish the game's main plot. To get more ranger missions in the Ranger Net, complete the one before it. There are only three missions and one bonus mission (Manaphy) available in the Ranger Net. After you defeat Gordor and finish the game's plot, some extra in-game missions are available. To go on these, talk to the Base leaders in Ringtown, Fall City, Summerland or Wintown and they will tell you of unnatural activities occurring in the area. They will send you to investigate - thus, these are your extra missions. There should be at least three missions available in Fiore (not in Ranger Net).LIER THEY DONT GIVE YOU ANY SPECIAL MISSIONS!!!In Pokemon Ranger the ranger base leaders will give you 3 special missions, and they are Groudon, Kyogre, and RayquazaLIAR AGAIN I TRIED THAT AND IT DIDNT WORK