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Q: Did Raphael Sanzio preceed Giovanni Santi in death?
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When did Raphael's dad die?

His father was Giovanni Santi, a painter. His mother's name was Magia.

Why identical surnames of Michelangelo and Raphael Buonarroti?

No identical surnames. Raphael's family name was Santi (Sanzio), Michelangelo's was Buonarroti.

Where did Raphael sanzio grow up?

The artist known simply as Raphael was born Raffaello Sanzio on April 6, 1483, in Urbino, Italy. His father, Giovanni Santi, was a painter for the Duke of Urbino. Giovanni taught his son basic painting techniques and exposed him to the principles of humanistic philosophy at the Duke of Urbinoâ??s court. When Raphael was eleven years old, Giovanni died, and Raphael took over his fatherâ??s workshop. His success quickly surpassed his fatherâ??s. At age seventeen, he was asked to be an apprentice to Perugino in Perugia, in the Umbria region of central Italy. This apprenticeship lasted four years.

Who were the parents of Raphael the artist?

His father was Giovanni Santi, a painter. His mother's name was Magia.

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Raphael Variants of his name include "Raffaello Santi", "Raffaello da Urbino" or "Rafael Sanzio da Urbino".

Did Raphael Sanzio have a wife or any children?

Raphael did not have any children and supposedly was not married, but new research shows that he was probably secretly married to his supposed mistress.

Where did Raphael Santi die?


When was Santi Giovanni Evangelista e Petronio created?

Santi Giovanni Evangelista e Petronio was created in 1186.

What did people think of Raphael Santi paintings?

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What is Raphael Santi's religion?

He WAS a Roman Catolic.

Is Raphael Santi a Catholic?

Yes, he was a Catholic.

When was Giovanni Santi born?