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Q: Did a boy have a bad leg in The Hunger Games?
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Related questions

What does katniss need in the Hunger Games?

Medicine for Peetas leg.

Where on Katniss' body does the fire injure her?

leg/thigh in the hunger games

What was district 12 pack in the hunger games?

It was medicine for Peeta's leg

What condition threatens Peetas life?

When his leg is really swollen in The Hunger Games.

What is the first book to The Hunger Games?

in the book peeta has a mechanical leg at the end of the book but not in the movie

How does the capitol heal katniss in Hunger Games?

During the Hunger Games they send her medicine to heal the cut in her forehead and the cut on Peeta's leg, and after the Hunger Games they fixed her hear because it was deaf because of when she exploded the careers food and weapon supplies.

How does katniss use her last arrow in the hunger games?

She uses it as a tourniquet for Peeta's bad leg. She then frees it from the torniquet, with Peeta's permission, and uses it in sympathy to put Cato out of his misery and end his life.

What is in the newest parachute in the first hunger games book?

Burn medicine for her hands and leg

Does Peeta get injured in chapter 12 of hunger games?

Well, Peeta runs away from the career pack after Cato slashes him in the leg with a sword. Now he has an injury on his leg!

What are Peetas injuries?

He injured his knee. Peeta also got cut in the leg by Cato's sword in The Hunger Games, bit in the leg by a wolf tribute, and hijacked by the Capitol in Mockingjay.

Does Peeta have a fake leg in the hunger games book 1?

yes peeta does get a new leg. his old one was too infected so they had to cut it off.katniss does not find this out untill they are on tv at the interview after the games.

What happens in the last chapter of The Hunger Games?

Basically katniss and peta are interviewed and katniss also finds out that peta has a fake leg.