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Rowling doesn't confirm this, so chances are, it doesn't matter. The only point of their departure was to get rid of them, because they no longer had a purpose. For those empty spaces in the Harry Potter galaxy, you can usually come up with your own answers. Use your imagination. Do you want the Dursleys to meet their quite deserved end? Still, they are probably safe. Voldemort would only have wanted to go after them if Harry was still in their custody. Once with the Order, I bet they'd be safe. After the war, I can imagine them going back to Privet Drive, muttering angrily about badly made drills. Who knows? Maybe their memories were erased. "Obliviate!" and they'd be a lot happier. Rowling did confirm this in an interview. Sadly, I dont remember which one, because I've read a lot of them. She said Harry, Ginny and their kids get an ugly vase for Christmas each year from Petunia and Harry visits very rarely. When they do visit, the kids (Harry's) hate it. When I find out which interview it was, I'll update.

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Q: Did the Dursley's remain safe after they left Harry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
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