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Q: Do mlep gles have kids
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What are syllable triangles?

Tri-an-gles is three syllables.

How do you divide the word eagles into syllables?

Ea-gles has two syllables.

How do you say soccer rules in French?

'les règles du football'

How many syllables in goggles show them?

Gog-gles. or maybe its Go-ggles.

How do you say 'WikiAnswers rules' in French?

"WikiAnswers rules" in French is "Réponses Wiki règles."

What is 'glissando' when translated from Italian to English?

"Changing the subject," "glossing over," "skating over," and "skirting an issue" are English equivalents of the Italian word glissando. The pronunciation of the gerund form of the present infinitive glissare will be "gles-SAN-do" in Italian.

The equivalent to by the books in french?

"d'après les règles" would be the closest equivalent of 'by the books' in French. Another term could be "être dans le manuel / ne pas être dans le manuel" (to be / not to be in the book)

How many syllables in this poem tadpoles swim quickly until its tail wiggles loose and a frog hops out?

There are 17 syllables. Tad-poles - swim - quick-ly - un-til - its - tail - wig-gles - loose - and - a - frog - hops - out.

How do you spell snooker in spanish?

billar inglés [bi.'ʝaɾ. iŋ.'gles], [bi.'ʎaɾ. iŋ.'gles] s. [be] - i [i] (as in be) - elle ['e.ʝe], ['e.ʎe] - a [a] - ere ['e.ɾe] (soft "r" as in USA English "kitten"), billari [i] - ene ['] - ge [xe] (the sound [x] as in German "Bach" or Scottish English "loch") - ele ['e.le] - e acentuada ['e. a.sen̪.'twa.ða], ['e. a.θen̪.'twa.ða] - ese ['], inglés; billar inglés.en aprietos [en. a.'pɾje.tos]e [e] - ene ['], ena [a] - pe [pe] - ere ['e.ɾe] - i [i] - e [e] - te [te] - o [o] - ese ['] aprietos; en aprietos.

What is Anthony Stewart Head known for?

Anthony Stuart Head, born on February 20, 1954 in Camden Town, London, England, is mainly known for two careers. He is known both as an English actor and a musician. He is also known for his roles as Uther Pendragon in Merlin and as Rupert Gles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Does the French word 'regle' take 'ma' or 'mes' or 'mon'?

In its singular form as 'règle' ['rule', 'ruler'], the feminine gender noun takes 'ma'. The word 'ma' is the feminine form of the possessive 'my' in the singular. In its plural form as 'règles' ['rules', 'rulers'], the noun takes 'mes' as the feminine form of the possessive 'my' in the plural.

Was george washtingtons kids his real kids or step kids?

step kids because the woman he married had had kids already and they adopted her kids